The ABC of RCTs

Nearly 70 years ago, the first ever modern randomised…

Trying to find the tallest jockey: A/B testing can be problematic

'There's nothing wrong with A/B testing'. This statement…

Brilliant idea – but how do you know it is marketable?

A mental model is a hypothetical internal cognitive…

Online reviews: How to get people talking about your product online

We all do it. We look at the star ratings and read the…

The nightmare of contacting customers? Behavioural science turns it into a dream come true.

You’ve been having the same nightmare, over and over…

Conjoint analysis: how to correctly predict consumer purchase price of new products

You’re about to launch a brilliant, innovative product…

Big Data (but not a Big problem solver)

You don’t know who your customers are? You don’t know who…

How to make a New Year’s resolution that will last forever – the science of habit formation

Most New Year’s resolutions have a success rate in the…

Keynote: Inspiring sustainable behaviour

I was very honoured to the be the keynote speaker at the…

Your behaviour is unsuitable (because our lives are better).

It’s nothing personal. We’re good at living short and…

The smartest choice of all? Teaching organisations to make smarter choices

Until recently, behavioral insights research has…

The financial sector has confused users that need help

This means that financial communications are governed by…

Not so added value: Don’t show all your product’s features.

Imagine you’re working in an electronics shop. A new…

Where does your brand sit in your consumer’s subconscious?

Wouldn't you love to have a solid, reliable map of where…

When crowds know best: greater predictive power than expert forecasts of voting intention

Voting is a timely topic. Britain just voted out of the…

Trump’s unlikely ally – recognition heuristic

While Trump’s black-and-white simplicity and promises of…

Amazon’s Dash for affordance

Amazon Dash launches today in the UK. It’s a physical…

Sān rén chéng hǔx: Three men make a tiger

Qin Shihuangdi first ruled China in 221 BC. He was the…

A step-by-step approach to reducing suicide among men

If you have been following any media outlet over the past…

Feel the pain – guaranteed | Spüre den Schmerz – garantiert

We work harder to avoid loss than we do to achieve gain.…