What you get

Our award-winning survey assesses how well a piece of communication is understood. We also implement and test improvements.

With any communication (especially critical information such as medical, financial, instructions for the vulnerable), one can find audiences’ just skim and get patchy understanding – or even worse completely misunderstand the message. With this approach, you have access to our award-winning test, proven many times over, and can compare multiple pieces of collateral to give confidence in understanding where there are challenges.

What it is

Comprehension & motivation test by The Hunting Dynasty is based on a multiple choice question and answer frame derived from Cloze (1953) and has added distractor tasks to mimic real-world situations which also echo dementia tests  in most hospitals. It’s very robust. Added to that we explore self-reported motivations and preferences – having people want to engage is an important part of comprehension!

What we do

We rewrite and redesign existing communication and compare this to the original, so you get new comms as well as a breakdown of the levels of comprehension for different sections, the motivation to read and act, and more.

  • Set up – Days to weeks depending on rewrites / redesigns
  • Survey – Buy 400 – 1,300+ respondents. Completion time: 10 minutes
  • Data – Week or two
  • Reporting – We deliver data charts and display, significance levels, and descriptions.

Example shown: Example shown: LV=, re-write and redesign annual pension statement, 4% increase in comprehension and 28% increase in reading-ease and likability where positive and simple language had greatest effect on comprehension, followed by structure and ease.

Ask us about our work:

  • For vulnerable insurance customers with comprehension up 10.9% when distracted, 11.5% up for follow-up on 1,200 surveyed
  • For DAS Insurance reducing letter word count down 65% while retaining comprehension & ease on 1,100 surveyed
  • For HomeAway in the US of over 600 participants of comprehension and motivation for online booking messaging


Comprehension & motivation test developed by The Hunting Dynasty.

Online survey of 300+ respondents with screened location, age, experience of product/service etc.

Detailed report that turns the comprehension and motivation perceptions into scores according to respondent perceptions.

From 8,000 to 30,000+ GBP depending on number of participants, countries, competitors and insight level.

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