Supporting your



What you get

Our bespoke surveys use psychological techniques to debias responses and find both declared and revealed preferences from the audience.

How one asks questions is important – the order in which those very questions are asked is equally important and can pollute data if not handled correctly.

What it is

Usually delivered online, so respondents can answer at their leisure, our surveys and tests deliver solid robust data at scale – depending on the sample size and make-up chosen – giving confidence in answers. They’re a great foundation for decision-making.

What we do

We handle everything you need from guidance on number of respondents to the final presentation and report.

  • Set up: Days – confirmation of your competing brands, and logos. Small time for translation into non-English language(s) if needed.
  • Survey: Push 400 – 1,300+ respondents
  • through survey, define location, age, experience of brand etc. Online survey completion time: 10 minutes
  • Data: Detailed report, plus top line presentation. Generally a week or two, depending on depth of insight you want
  • Reporting: We deliver data charts and display, significance levels, and descriptions.

Example shown: Mapping perceptions of cleanliness on 2,800 people in an online survey in local language in UK, Germany, France, Poland, Sweden, Japan, and S. Korea, and 40 intercepts in Sweden, for an advertising campaign for Anomaly/Electrolux

Feel free to ask us about our work with:

  • Therme spa reopening and 1,393 people surveyed in Romania
  • Danzer wood supplier and 1,600 surveys in US and Germany
  • Therme spa temperature perception intercepts on 897 people in Romania
  • Keep Britain Tidy & Coca Cola intercepts in Liverpool, UK
  • And more


Bespoke audience surveys: online, intercepts, & more.

Online survey of 400 – 1,300+ respondents, together we define location, age, experiences, etc.

Detailed report of audience’s perceptions and needs.

From 15,000 to 50,000+ GBP depending on number participants, countries, competitors and insight level.

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