Nudging by banks – is it today… or is it 1943 ?!?

In a collection of personal items we found a letter sent to one of our grandfathers by a bank in the middle of wartime Britain. It's an extraordinary good…

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Can bin setup in your office affect recycling behaviour?

Up to 45% of municipal waste is generated in the workplace and according to the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), almost all of the waste in an.…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Brilliant idea – but how do you know it is marketable?

A mental model is a hypothetical internal cognitive symbol that represents external reality or the mental imagery of things that are not actually present to,..

0 Comments6 Minutes

Online reviews: How to get people talking about your product online

We all do it. We look at the star ratings and read the online reviews before we buy. Of course, we do – it's good. Helpful, even. But do you ever go back...

0 Comments9 Minutes

The nightmare of contacting customers? Behavioural science turns it into a dream come true.

You’ve been having the same nightmare, over and over again – the one where, all of a sudden, a big, bad monster won’t allow you to contact any of your…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Conjoint analysis: how to correctly predict consumer purchase price of new products

You’re about to launch a brilliant, innovative product and everyone is going to love it. Of course they are – they told you so! This is what many companies ten…

0 Comments7 Minutes

Big Data (but not a Big problem solver)

You don’t know who your customers are? You don’t know who your customers could be, what they want and how to seduce them? A common problem for many…

0 Comments9 Minutes